The Saint Stephen’s College Friends of the Arts (FOTA) is a subcommittee of the Parents & Friends Association, a dedicated and active group of parents, students and friends who volunteer their time to provide practical support to the Creative and Performing Arts at the College. Participation in The Arts is an important part of a student’s experience at Saint Stephen’s College, reinforcing and expanding on classroom education and opening students’ hearts and minds to life-long learning and new experiences. FOTA has a proud history of supporting students and the College over many years and are committed to continuing the success of the Arts well into the future.
The aim of FOTA is to bring awareness to the College’s Creative and Performing Arts and raise funds to provide opportunities for students in the program. A range of fundraising events and activities are undertaken each year with funds raised being used to support students in many ways, including:
- Providing financial support for theatre and music students entering Eisteddfods held around Australia
- Purchasing of new instruments, music and musical equipment
- Repairing and maintaining existing instruments
- Subsidising costs for touring groups
- Providing canteen stalls at various concerts held throughout the year
- Providing support to our school musicals.
For more information or if you would like to be involved, please contact us by clicking below