Student Wellbeing

Pastoral Care

At Saint Stephen’s College, ensuring the wellbeing of our students is at the core of what we do. It is about building quality relationships, nurturing the hopes and dreams of students, and providing a safe and supportive environment where individuals can flourish. More specifically, the Pastoral Care program provides students with the opportunity to discuss issues relating to their own lives and the lives of others in the wider community, to learn new skills, to develop a greater sense of self and others, to establish friends and to have some fun.

Our Pastoral Care Program is based on the principles of Positive Education and the PERMAH framework developed by Martin Seligman.  The six pillars of the PERMAH model are as follows:

  • Positive emotions – feeling good.
  • Engagement – being completely absorbed in activities.
  • Relationships – being authentically connected to others.
  • Meaning – purposeful existence.
  • Achievement – a sense of accomplishment and success.
  • Health – making decisions that align with a healthy lifestyle.

Key Topics

Topics addressed in the dedicated Pastoral Care lessons align with and address our College Core Values: Perseverance, Resilience, Integrity, Diversity and Empathy. Other important issues include online safety, digital citizenship, body image, self-esteem and identity, decision-making, nutrition, self-respect, healthy habits, risk-taking behaviours, leadership, drug education, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, relationships and personal safety among others.

Tutor Group

Tutor Group time is an essential part of the College’s Morning Routine, providing students with a structured start to their day. While the roll is taken, Daily Notices are shared, and uniforms are checked, Tutor Group goes beyond these tasks—it is a dedicated time to support student wellbeing, personal growth, and development through meaningful discussions and activities.

From Prep to Year 7, Tutor Groups are horizontal, meaning students are grouped by year level. This structure focuses on meeting the developmental needs of each stage, fostering confidence and a sense of belonging. Horizontal groups are particularly effective in supporting Year 7 students as they transition into the Senior School, providing targeted guidance and helping them build strong foundations.

From Year 8 to Year 12, Tutor Groups shift to a vertical, House-based structure, connecting students across year levels. This approach encourages mentoring relationships, where senior students guide and support younger peers, building a strong sense of community and collaboration.

In the Junior College, Tutor Group time is led by a child’s classroom teacher, integrating this time seamlessly with their primary learning environment. In the Senior College, students have a designated Tutor, who may or may not be one of their classroom teachers. This ensures an additional layer of mentorship, focused on each student’s overall wellbeing and success.

Whether led by a classroom teacher or a dedicated Tutor, this time serves as a first point of contact for both students and parents, ensuring consistent communication and a strong foundation of care and support.

At Saint Stephen’s College, Tutor Group is where connection, growth, and community come together to set the tone for a positive and successful day.

Leadership Programs

At Saint Stephen’s College, leadership is about more than a badge or title—it’s about serving others, demonstrating responsibility, and making a positive impact. Leadership development is an everyday journey, beginning early and growing through diverse opportunities, such as participation in events, committees, and initiatives that inspire and motivate peers.

True leadership at Saint Stephen’s College reflects our core values of perseverance, responsibility, integrity, diversity, and empathy. It is demonstrated through resilience, a commitment to fostering a supportive community, and the drive to lead with purpose. While formal leadership roles are selected each year, every student is encouraged to embrace leadership through their actions and interactions within the community.

At Saint Stephen’s College, we grow leaders who inspire, lead with purpose, and make a difference.

Peer Helper/Buddy Program

The Peer Helper Program includes a group of Senior College students who have been trained to form positive supportive relationships with their peers and to refer them to the appropriate Pastoral Care staff during times of difficulty. The program works across the Junior and Senior Colleges and fosters relationships across the College to build identity and meaningful and authentic relationships.

Each week Tutor Groups from the Senior College visit a specific Year level in the Junior College to develop connections across the College. The benefits of this Buddy program are twofold: the older children learn to take on responsibility, while the younger children know that they have a fellow student they can confidently turn to for support. This fosters a sense of whole-school community and creates friendships that enable both the older and younger students to bond more closely with their school. This increases the likelihood of more positive school behaviour for all students.  Our Buddy Program at Saint Stephen’s College shows our students that they are capable of building relationships and showing care for others.

Camp Program

At Saint Stephen’s College, our camp program is a vital part of our Wellbeing Program, designed to develop well-rounded individuals who embody our College values: Perseverance, Responsibility, Integrity, Diversity, and Empathy. More than just an adventure, our camps foster essential life skills and personal growth, aligning with the PERMAH framework of Positive Education to enhance students’ wellbeing.

Camps also encourage independence, as students take responsibility for their decisions, actions, and routines—skills that will serve them well in the future. From forming lasting friendships to learning resilience and leadership, our camps provide an unforgettable experience that prepares students for life beyond the classroom.

At Saint Stephen’s College, outdoor education is more than a tradition; it’s a cornerstone of developing confident, compassionate, and capable leaders.

Incidental Moments

Pastoral Care is more than just about the dedicated lessons and particular staff members. Perhaps even more important are the incidental moments that contribute to the wellbeing and success of our students. It is the lessons learnt on the sporting field about teamwork; it is the scripture passages explored in Chapel; it is the fun moments shared on camp balanced by the moments when students are challenged to self-reflect; it is the philosophies teachers embed in their teaching practices, the concepts they teach and the very behaviour they role model; it is the way new students are welcomed into the College; it is the follow through when a student is facing a problem; it can be as seemingly insignificant as a conversation shared between a student and staff member in the school yard.